Melissa Alves might well be one of the best-known names within the JSAD, but, like so many others, it doesn’t stop her being badly affected by the lockdown, and by the huge uncertainty about the future.
So, the 2018 Sports Personality of the Year decided to do something positive about it. This is her story…..
“Fitness in these challenging times that we are all facing may be the last thing on our minds, or something that we can’t wait to get back to, which in my case is both. I have always been the girl that is up for an adventure, sports and building my fitness.”
“After being in doors for around 3 months, my mental health wasn’t the best that it had been, so I decided to get back into my basketball chair and take to the cycle track with my dad.”
“My first training, I went out early morning, where no one was really around. My goal was to complete 5km which to my surprise I completed 6km which is the equivalent of four rounds of the track. It really helped gain the confidence that I needed back.”
“I just hope that with this message you find hope and inspiration that sports will always be there waiting for you to go back when the time is right for you. Never give up and know that after every storm a rainbow always appears.”
So a big “well done” to Melissa and well done too to the JSAD support team that worked behind the scenes to help make this possible.
This is just one example showing also how JSAD volunteers have been adapting their support roles and methods during the pandemic to meet the needs of our Members. Do let us know other examples, so, like Melissa's story, we can shout about it from the rooftops!